NFIR opposes the Monetization of Railways Assets — Calls upon Railwaymen to observe protest week 13th to 18th September, 2021



NFIR opposes the Monetization of Railways Assets — Calls upon Railwaymen to observe protest week 13th to 18th September, 2021

The National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR) expresses grave concern over Central Government’s decision to monetize assets in Railways as the said decision is not in the interest of Nation and equally rail workforce.
The monetization policy announced by the Government indicates sale of mega public assets under the charge of the Government which include all major sectors like Indian Railways, Road Transport, Power, Telecom, Warehousing, Mining, Aviation, Ports, Stadiums including Railway Stadiums and has not left even Urban Real Estate. The Government while framing the policy forgot the fact that these vital assets belong to the country and are not personal to anyone. NFIR terms the action of Government of India is anti-people, anti-poor and is going to cost heavily on citizens of the country.
NFIR is surprised that the Government has failed to recognize the role of Indian Railways which is lifeline of the Nation as it is providing services to all sections of people more importantly the poor and downtrodden of the country. The Federation reminds the Government that over 2.30 crore people of India travel by Railway Trains per day and the Indian Railways has made significant achievement by transporting over 1233 Million Tonnes freight in the year 2021-2022 amid Covid- 19 pandemic and ensured uninterrupted supply line to the entire nation. Instead of rewarding the Indian Railways and its work force, the Government intends to resort to monetization of assets to benefit few individual monopolists. Government also failed to take note that the experience of privatization of Railways in many Countries proved disastrous, compelling those countries to review and take back. Another key point is hikes in fares will be resorted to, by the private companies which would render the Indian Railways out of reach of lower income groups of Indian population. If private entities are allowed to operate passenger trains, the people of India will suffer very badly as the private individuals will charge ticket fare exorbitantly since there will be no control on them. At present Indian Railways, is foregoing over Rs. 50 thousand crores per year for fulfilling social service obligations and this loss is not compensated by the Government of India. If Railways is allowed to take decisions for generating more earnings, Railways will be able to earn more and develop its systems also.
NFIR contends that it would be highly improper to allow private operators to run trains using nation’s P. Way tracks, Stations, Signalling etc. in other words the Government of India wants to become facilitator to encourage private entities to use nation’s assets and earn heavy profits at the cost of nation and common people. Railway Production Units have emerged as the most efficient Units capable of manufacturing Rolling Stock of world standards and cost wise cheaper than the international market rate. While this is so, it would be unwise to propose corporatization of Railway Production Units, as such action would harm the Nation.

The National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR) while opposing the privatization, corporatization and monetization of Railways calls upon railway population to rise against the Government’s decisions and stand unitedly to launch struggles to save Railways and Nation. “Protest week” shall be observed by railway employees from 13th to 18th September, 2021 duly holding rallies and demonstrations etc., against monetization of railways assets and attempts to privatize trains etc.,





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