Growing solidarity to Visakhapatnam Steel Plant worker’s struggle against Privatisation


Report by KEC correspondent

Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP) workers and activists have been fighting against privatisation for last 260 days now. Their demand is immediate roll back of the decision to privatise the Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant. In recent days the struggle has caught attention of many people and support for their just demand is continuously increasing.

Members of various trade unions, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP) workers and activists participated in a rally opposing privatisation on 30th October 2021. Medha Patkar, social activist was furious with the Union Government for spreading false news about privatisation and partnership with private companies bringing development of the country.

She extended her solidarity with Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP) workers who are on hunger strike against privatisation for more than 260 days. She addressed the workers at the rally and exposed the dangers of privatisation and how it mercilessly takes away employment from the people. It will also take away resources like land and water. She said their struggle is an inspiration for other workers in our country doing the same. She pointed out the need to strengthen unity among all the people which will put pressure on the Centre. She said the cause of growing unemployment is privatisation, liberalisation and globalisation policies and not the COVID pandemic.

IFTU national president, Aparna said the Public Sector Undertakings were protecting our economy. She said the policies of the government are creating financial problems.

IFTU State president, Prasad and vice president M. Venkateshwarulu and Raju (representative of Sompeta Paryavarana Parirakshana Porata Samiti) also opposed the privatisation of VSP.



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Vimla M
Vimla M
2 years ago

Successful rally that showed the unity of our workers and exposed the lies about privatisation that are shamelessly spread among our people. Our unity is growing with each day and we shall overcome this together💪🏽