Press Release by the joint platform of Central Trade Unions
The constituents of the Platform of Central Trade Unions held a meeting on 1st November 2021 in Delhi to consider the situation arising out of the Government’s push to privatise and hand over all the National Assets to the Corporate Sector. The harmful effects of such policies on workers and people at large were discussed. It was decided in the meeting to make the people aware of the dangerous effects of this policy and have various forms of campaigns and meetings for the same purpose. The campaign will begin with a National convention of Trade Unions in Delhi on 11th November.
Really great move, it’s really very important to unite all Trade union nad organization to fight against Privatization, let’s call workers of India to unite
Finally the Central Trade Unions have decided to have long term action plan against Privatisation……Better late than never. I sincerely hope that this time at least they sincerely oppose these as “capitalist policies” and not as “BJP policies”…..I also sincerely hope that they do not hesitate to clarify to the working people that both Congress and BJP are champions of Globalisation by Privatisation and Liberalisation. ….
If they do not say this clearly then they would be betraying the working class.
This is a very important step taken by them. It is also important to explain to the workers and consumers that the drive for privatisation has been going on since 1991. Different parties have come and gone but the agenda has been always the same. The agenda of the super rich Capitalist. We need to change the system and establish a new system where workers and toiling majority have the power to decide where the country is headed.
This is a very important step taken by them. It is also important to explain to the workers and consumers that the drive for privatisation has been going on since 1991. Different parties have come and gone but the agenda has been always the same. The agenda of the super rich Capitalist. We need to change the system and establish a new system where workers and toiling majority have the power to decide where the country is headed.