Highlights of the Speech of Com. Tapan Sen, General Secretary, Centre of India Trade Unions (CITU) in the All India webinar on “Nationwide General Strike on 23rd and 24th February against Anti-Worker, Anti-People Policies of the Government and Way Forward” organized by AIFAP on 16 January 2022

    I thank the All India Forum Against Privatisation for organising this webinar on the issue of country wide strike by the joint platform Read more

Highlights of the Speech of Com. Amarjeet Kaur, General Secretary, All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) in the All India webinar on “Nationwide General Strike on 23rd and 24th February against Anti-Worker, Anti-People Policies of the Government and Way Forward” organized by AIFAP on 16 January 2022

    Thank you, Com Mathew. We will try to stick to the time provided. Each of us will be talking about some issues so Read more